The Categories table makes it possible to indicate the categories of each ingredient, to facilitate the classification of it.
The name of each category must be single (without taking account of the uppercase/lowercase letters)
To add a category, seize its name in the last free cell of the table (or click on the button “To add” to be placed directly on the last cell).
To remove a category, erase the name of the selected category: if this category is used for certain ingredients, a category of replacement must be indicated.
To modify a name of category, modify simply its name: the elements of the corresponding records ingredients will be automatically modified.
To seek an ingredient, the button “To seek” reaches successively each line of the table containing part of the string indicated.
At the time of the access to the table, the table is sorted by increasing names of categories. Thereafter, a double-click on the heading of column makes it possible to sort the table in an increasing or decreasing way.
Export makes it possible to save in the form of a CEI file the entirety of the table of the categories created.
Tip: certain receipts require special mentions not corresponding to traditional ingredients. To make it possible to classify these new “ingredients”, it can be useful to create a category " Special mentions”
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